what is goat school?

Goat School® is the answer to the question "Where can I learn about goats and get some hands-on experience before I purchase my first goat?" If you have been dreaming about starting your farm or homestead but lack any real hands on experience with goats, this course is designed for you.

Goat School® is a 2-day course that focuses on everything you need to know for a successful first year with goats.

You will graduate with confidence to handle your first year of owning goats. You have read all the books now get hands-on lesson in milking, hoof trimming and more.

Goat School® is designed with the absolute beginner in mind. You do not need to have previous knowledge of goats; in fact we assume that you don't.

Goat Hoof Trimming

Goat Hoof Trimming

De-Worming Goats

De-Worming Goats


You should attend goat school if...

You are considering adding goats to your home / farmstead for the first time.

You have been dreaming about goats for years but have little to no experience with goats.

You just want to have a unique farm experience for the pure fun of it.

goat farm maine
goat farm maine